Tentang Kami di ADR Fish Farm

Kami adalah peternak ikan nila dan gurame, menggunakan teknologi penyaringan air dan oksigen untuk memastikan kualitas terbaik dalam pembesaran ikan di kolam air tawar.

Visi dan Misi Kami
Kualitas dan Keberlanjutan

Dengan pengalaman dan dedikasi, kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan ikan berkualitas tinggi sambil menjaga lingkungan dan keberlanjutan dalam setiap aspek operasional kami di ADR Fish Farm.

Proyek Ikan

Pembesaran ikan nila dan gurame di kolam air tawar.

A close-up of a small, dark-colored shrimp on vibrant green aquatic plants in a freshwater aquarium.
A close-up of a small, dark-colored shrimp on vibrant green aquatic plants in a freshwater aquarium.
Ikan Nila

Pembesaran ikan nila dengan sistem penyaringan air bersih.

A large number of orange and light-colored fish are clustered closely together in a body of water. The water appears murky, and the fish are densely packed within a blue-framed enclosure.
A large number of orange and light-colored fish are clustered closely together in a body of water. The water appears murky, and the fish are densely packed within a blue-framed enclosure.
Ikan Gurame

Pengelolaan ikan gurame di kolam yang terawat.

Multiple fish are laid out in neat rows on a bamboo mat for drying. The fish have a uniform grayish color, and their eyes are prominently visible.
Multiple fish are laid out in neat rows on a bamboo mat for drying. The fish have a uniform grayish color, and their eyes are prominently visible.
A fish with a rounded body and small scales swims in a freshwater environment surrounded by green aquatic plants. The lighting highlights the texture and colors of the fish, creating a serene underwater scene.
A fish with a rounded body and small scales swims in a freshwater environment surrounded by green aquatic plants. The lighting highlights the texture and colors of the fish, creating a serene underwater scene.
Sistem Filter

Menggunakan filter untuk menjaga kualitas air kolam.

Pompa Air

Pompa air untuk sirkulasi dan oksigenasi ikan.

Lokasi Kami

Kami berlokasi di area yang ideal untuk budidaya ikan nila dan gurame, dengan sistem penyaringan air yang baik.


Jl. Budidaya Ikan No. 1


08:00 - 17:00